Monday, December 13, 2010


I know this may sound like a rhetorical question, but go ahead and answer it anyways: Do You Know How To Think? It’s one of those questions that makes you, well… “Think!”

Recently, I was sitting down with this really sharp, young, male, ministry leader that I have had the privilege of mentoring and coaching for a season.   As we were talking he posed this question:  ”Pastor Angel, will you teach me how to think?”   I had to pause for a minute and before I answered I asked him to explain.
To paraphrase, his response was this: “I’m a feeler and I tend to either make decisions, not make decisions or have my overall actions affected by my feelings.  If I feel good, If I don’t believe I can do something, If I’m fired up about something, If I’m fearful of something… I respond to those situations based on how I feel rather than what I think.”  What I think he was saying is that he wanted some concrete action steps for what he thinks, without them being manipulated by his feelings.

My motto is this: dream BIG. think BIGGER. Thinking is the next step after dreaming and is the action of making your dreams a reality.

Do You Know How To Think? In other-words, Do you know how to take your conceived thoughts and make them a practical reality?   Here are a few quick thoughts on how to operate from a thinking mindset and how to make those thoughts a reality:
  • Give your thoughts some action steps.
  • Give your thoughts some time-lines.
  • Take the time to process your thoughts and minimize your feelings.
  • Recognize that your thoughts can control your feelings “think BIGGER.”
  • Remember you are what you think you are.
French Philosopher Rene Descartes is known for “Cogito ergo sum” or “I think, therefore I am.”  I would modify his thoughts to say this “Because God thinks I am, I am.”  Let your thinking trump your feelings, learn how to think and continually refine the way you think.  dream BIG. think BIGGER.
Do You Know How To Think?


  1. Hey readers and blog partners: Angel knows and understands the importance of the relationship between identity, thought processes, and purpose. If you do not agree with this blog, just dust off your bible, and do a little research and see what the Word of God sais about thinking: “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” Proverbs 23:7.
    I would also like to add to Angel’s blog some “tips” about thoughts and actions (THE SEVEN “P’s”): Prior, Proper, Planning, Prevents, Poor, Pissed, Performance…
