Monday, November 29, 2010

Heroes & Villains

Week #2:  Spider-man 3 .

People  was initially confused by the significance of our new teaching serie "heroes and villains" but once i  made the correlation with good and bad it started to make sense. You see the true meaning of the heroes and villains is that real life consequences do not determine the type of person we become but how we react to those circumstances does. Once a person experiences a tragedy, we either feed the tragedy or find a reason for its occurrence. We feed the tragedy with insecurity, anger, bitterness, or revenge. Finding a purpose provides, destiny, dream or focus as a result of the tragedy.

Jesus tells us we will experience these tragedies in John 16:33 “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” And He tells us He will do something with the pain that to us doesn’t make any sense. Romans 8:28 states “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”

There are three keys to finding the purpose rather than feed the pain, they are:

1- RESIST the SKIN”S PULL toward life alone. All too often we withdraw from life and stop doing many of the life activities we did prior to the tragedy.

2- Don’t LISTEN to the WHISPER of negativism. Although we have many friends and acquaintences, not everyone is truly interested in our healing. They will gossip and talk negativisms. Don’t listen to them!

3- Embrace the possibility of HOPE (believe again). Hope gives us the opportunity to live life again. Believe that things will be better, that we will have a meaningful life again.

OK, with all that said, what will you do when, not if, a real life tragedy strikes???

Part 2 coming  soon.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. There sure is a hidden purpose in trials and tribulations according to divine design. The scripture says that the fruit of multiple trials is patience. Secular understanding of patience suggests that it is the virtue of simply resisting hardship without complainig, however, in God's economy patience takes a whole different angle, Patience then becomes the ability to apply the skills gained in the mist of tribulation so that an experienced, better equipped, and mature solder emerges. The first message of the series Heroes & Villans,showed me there is a God -given identity that empowers us all in order to build a stronger and fully developed body of Christ that takes place through the renewing of our minds. The series are NOT DONE YET, so join us and see for yourself that the word of God will do for you should you accept to embrace it. Richard P.

  3. Amazing series that has helped me find my true identity in Christ
