Monday, December 27, 2010

Aprendamos a aprender de los Fracasos

Si líderes como Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Ed Young, Joel Osteen, entre otros, pudieran escribir un libro sobre sus fracasos llenarían el espacio de la Enciclopedia Británica . No existe un solo pionero que no haya fracasado muchas veces antes de acertar con su mayor contribución a la humanidad. Edison fracasó casi dos mil veces tratando de crear la bombilla eléctrica, J.C. Penney fracasó en casi todos los negocios que emprendió, hasta que descubrió las ventas por catálogo, Einstein fue expulsado del colegio y pasó refugiado en la oficina de patentes de Suiza hasta que salió de la oscuridad sin haber probado ninguna teoría.

Es sorprendente con cuanta facilidad nos olvidamos de lo falibles que somos, cuando hemos logrado hacer que algo funcione o dé frutos por encima del promedio. Dios conoce nuestro corazón, y sabe que es perverso. Por eso a Pablo no lo libró de su aguijón para que dependiera de su gracia diariamente.
Hay mucho que aprender de los líderes que reconocen sus errores abiertamente, y se enfocan en aprender y crecer a partir de sus fracasos.

 Bill Hybels, el pastor principal de la Iglesia Comunitaria de Willow Creek en la ciudad de Chicago , es uno de ellos. Su iglesia ha creado un programa de alcance mundial llamado la Cumbre Mundial de Liderazgo mediante su Asociación conocida con las siglas de WCA. 
En el 2007, Bill reconoció delante de los asistentes que su iglesia había tomado la decisión de evaluarse a fondo para determinar su madurez espiritual. Sabiendo que Willow Creek es una de las iglesias mas innovadoras e influyentes, nos impacto escuchar que la evaluación llamada "Reveal" había mostrado un estancamiento en la mayoría de los miembros de la iglesia después de dos años de pertenecer a ella. Es más que conforme pasaba más tiempo cerca de una tercera parte de la membresía no crecía, sino que decrecía espiritualmente.
En el 2008, no fue la excepción, en su enseñanza inaugural, Hybels reconoció el fracaso de una costosa iniciativa para grupos pequeños creada con éxito en el sur de Estados Unidos por Randy Frazee que buscaba crear redes en los vecindarios. La misma fue un fracaso, y llevó a la salida de Frazee y a un enfrentamiento entre el liderazgo de la iglesia y los facilitadores de los grupos pequeños. Cómo si fuera poco la asistencia a los servicios del fin de semana cayó dramaticamente por primera vez en décadas.

Hay que admitir que estas son la clase de noticias de las que muchos líderes e iglesias no quieren que nadie se entere. Uno esperaría en su experiencia enterarse de ellas por otros canales no tan fiables. Pero, la forma en que Hybels y su equipo encara el fracaso tiene mucho de saludable. Nunca he escuchado un comentario tan transparente sobre un fracaso como con Hybels en Willow Creek. Hay mucho de coraje e integridad en este pastor.
¿Como lideramos en medio del fracaso? La respuesta esta en la nada accidental selección de temas y conferencistas que este año ofreció la cumbre a los miles de participantes de todo el mundo. Usted como yo sabemos que Dios usa fracasados. ¿O no?
Por si acaso lo ha olvidado:
  • David fue un adúltero y un asesino
  • Moises fue un asesino
  • Abraham fue un cobarde que dos veces pidió a sus esposa que negara su relación cuando otros hombres las deseaban
  • Pedro lo negó tres veces
  • Jacob fue un estafador y un mentiroso
La Biblia no oculta nada sobre la vidas de estos hombres. Con transparencia los exhibe. Antes que desalentarme, esto me motiva porque entonces significa que hay esperanza para todos los que hemos fracasado.
Lo que hizo toda la diferencia en los heroes citados siempre fue: arrepentimiento, fe y humildad. Es justo lo que exhibieron los maestros invitados a esta cumbre. Todos han lidiado con el fracaso, y se han levantado de el. Todos representan organizaciones y ministerios que parecen pequeños a nuestros ojos, pero que están haciendo una enorme contribución al reino moviendose en fe y con un llamado a liderar con propósito y pasión.

Gary Haugen, presidente de Misión de Justicia Internacional, rescata víctimas de formas de opresión violenta, incluida la esclavitud, la explotación sexual, el tráfico de almas, la brutalidad poilicial y la toma ilegal de bienes de victimas. Dejo su labor en el Departamento de Justicia de EUA arriesgando todo para cumplir la visión de justicia social que Dios puso en su corazón.
Wendy Kopp, fundadora de Teach for America, una especie de cuerpo de paz integrado por graduados de las mejores universidades de EUA a los que convence de tomar un salario ridiculo por dos años para ayudar a niños y muchachos de escuelas publicas rezagados en su preparación para que tengan éxito en la vida. Todo el mundo pensaba que fracasaría, arriesgó todo y Dios bendijo la obra de sus manos.
Efrem Smith pastor en Minnesota, que dedico casi toda su vida a entrenar en baloncesto y decidió extender sus manos y talentos para levantar una iglesia en medio de las zonas mas pobres de Minneapolis integrando la cultura del hip-hop y el evangelio de Jesus.

Chuck Colson, presidente de Prison Fellowship Ministries, que tras estar en una posición prominente en el gobierno de Nixon, caypo en desagracia por el caso Watergate, fue a prisión, y allí conoció a Cristo, dedicando el resto de su vidas y recursos a a ayudar a los presos, sus familias y a abrir oportunidades de rehabilitación despues de prisión.
Catherine Rohr quien dejo su bien pagada carrera para junto con su familia trasladarse a Texas donde establleció el Prision Entrepreneurship Program (PEP) para ayudar a los convictos en proceso de libertad condicional a desarrollar sus habilidades empresariales y reintegrarse a la sociedad, reduciendo la reincidencia de este grupo en mas de un 90%.
O el caso de Craig Groeschel pionero de LifeChurch.TV, quien dejé su pastoral en la denominación metodista para iniciar en el garage de su casa la primera iglesia multicampus que hoy alcanzan a mas de 23.000 personas en trece ciudades.

Todos ellos sin excepción dieron un giro total a sus vidas, autoliderandose hacia lo desconocido, conscientes de los talentos y habilidades que Dios había puesto en sus manos, pero con un descontento santo hacia lo establecido y su papel en el mundo. Todos empezaron en pequeño. Todos han cometidos errores, han tenido fracasos, pero su mirada no esta puesta en el tamaño de sus ministerios u organizaciones, sino en hacer una contribución de acuerdo a su FORMA espiritual para avanzar el reino de Dios, no su minireino, y honrarlo en todo.
Cinco lecciones que deberiamos meditar a menudo:
  1. El fracaso es inevitable
  2. El fracaso nos enseña y hacer crecer
  3. Si no aprendemos del fracaso, seguiremos repitiendo el mismo fracaso
  4. Dios usa fracasados
  5. El secreto del éxito es aprender de nuestros fracasos, no ocultarlos
Si, Hybels y todos los líderes citados han experimentado el fracaso, pero todos sin excepción se han levantado, porque la visión por la cual viven es mayor que ellos mismos. Donde los demás vieron obstáculos y el fracaso, ellos vieron oportunidades. Dios los llamó no porque sean los mejores, tal vez otros lo hubieran hecho mejor, pero Dios vio' su  potencial.
El hace lo mismo contigo y conmigo. El ve el potencial, El no ve lo que eres, sino en lo que te puedes convertir si le crees y le sigues con propósito y pasión.

Hasta la próxima...mientras tanto aprendere' a aprender de mis fracasos, que son muchos de paso

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jezebel, in our society II

Some Characteristics
Within these two main types there are two manifestations: the SEDUCER and the COOL.

The SEDUCER uses any type of seduction available to gain control and power, as a method of manipulation but specialises in spiritual seduction to operate on both males and females. Her seduction usually uses subtle flattery and her seduction is spiritual fornication. Men are particularly blind and easy victims to the subtleties of this seduction, as she flatters them with her attention. Women seduced by the Jezebel are blinded to their own seduction, as they do not expect it, or are not aware of such manipulation.

A good example of the COOL Jezebel personality can frequently be seen as the efficient (and often plain) executive assistant at the side of a powerful businessman or church leader. This Jezebel often lacks a gregarious personality, but may be very outspoken and aggressive.

Some of this spirit’s features:

This spirit works in "private", people outside her circle hardly know her manoeuvring and are an easy pray for manipulation. Those that are possessed by her tend to defend her from any form of criticism. Like many men today defend feminism.

Jezebel hates men and majors in destroying them. She cannot have a true Godly relationship with men; because her desire is to strip them of all their perceived power and then destroy them, to emasculate them emotionally and spiritually.

Jezebels revile (despise and show no respect for) authority over her. Building on "dislike of authority" (especially of men since they are frequently the authority figure) coupled with rebellion, she hates anyone placed in authority over her (particularly men), and seeks to destroy them and take their power. Jezebel sees herself as the "goddess on the pedestal".

Jezebel is extremely power-hungry, respecting only power stronger than her own. She disdains or considers herself superior to anyone she perceives as having no power, or power less than hers. She works through her conquest to attain power over others.

This spirit from hell is very intelligent and finds very challenging to control and manipulate intellectually able people. She is able to manipulate them so well that actually they worship her.

Self Worship
Internally Jezebel worships herself even though externally she may portray a picture of humility and submission. She is very proud of herself and extremely vain, and in her pride can only talk about herself. They are usually very attractive and they use that to seduce their victims.

She cannot suffer other getting attention over herself and she will do all she can to prevent others receiving attention and recognition. If one gets between Jezebel and the person she is trying to control, she'll attack most viciously, trying her best to destroy that relationship with that person. She will try and destroy his reputation, undermine his authority and generally stop at nothing to separate anyone from her intended "victim". Beware!

Jezebel uses other people as objects, where it suits her need, to gain control, influence and power. Once she has gained the control desired, she generally rejects and tosses the people aside. If they are in her family, she does this emotionally.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Jezebel, in our society

"But I have this against you, that you let the woman Jezebel say she is a prophet [claiming to be inspired] and give false teaching, making my servants go after the desires of the flesh and take food offered to false gods." (Rev 2:20)

Who was Jezebel??
Jezebel was an actual person. Jezebel, the Biblical character, first appears in First Kings 16, when she marries Ahab, king of Israel. Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, the king and high priest of the Baal worshipping Sidonians. Baal worship was closely associated with obsessive sensuality and often involved sex acts. Jezebel, as a daughter of this perverse kingdom, was raised in an atmosphere where sex was a path to power and influence.

Ahab, King of Israel, was completely subdued and dominated by Jezebel (a type of modern man). Jezebel then introduced the worship of Ashtoroth to Israel. This god/goddess, represented the Canaanite culture of the moon, was a power-hungry goddess of love and sensuality. Priestess-prostitutes filled her shrines and serviced her worshippers. The lure of these legal, readily available erotic encounters was more than the men of Israel would resist. By Jezebels influence, most Israelites, the northern kingdom, left the worship of God for Baal and Ashtoroth. The prophet Elijah laments that only 7000 men in the entire nation were not swayed by her control.

What kind of spirit
The Jezebel spirit is born of witchcraft and rebellion. This demon is one of the most common spirits in operation today, both in the church and in the world, and it is a powerful enemy of the body of Christ. She operates freely on sincere believers whose hearts are for God individually, and has also attained positions of power as powers and principalities within the Church. This spirit establishes its stronghold primarily in women.

The spirit of Jezebel is behind the daughter of Democracy, i. e. Feminism.
The Spirit of Jezebel is basically a controlling spirit working through the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. It has, in general, two aims:
  • To gain identity, glory, recognition, power, and satisfy the need for the "praises of men". This is a consequence of the desire for love and self-worth focussed on SELF.
  • Secondly the Jezebel spirit is a men hater and seeks to emasculate all men, and divest them of their authority and power over others. It fosters a distrust and hatred of men in general. The "Jezebel spirit" is in a constant agitation, very determined, callous, controlling, selfish, power-hungry, manipulative, unrepentant, deceitful spirit, an overwhelmingly evil spirit, and those are mostly only it's good points! Indeed this spirit can be definitely named "Satan's woman".
There are two main types of the Jezebel spirit:

  • The high-profile type is generally gregarious, outspoken and highly visible. She is often seen as the "woman who wears the pants in the family".
  • The low-profile type is soft-spoken, giving the illusion of being solicitous, motherly, protective, even appearing very submissive. The low-profile type may be the most dangerous, as she is the most difficult to discern. She relies heavily on manipulation for her power, in extremely subtle performances.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Think.....and dream

I’ve mentioned before that I love to collect quotes; Today I went to my files and pulled out a sampling of my favorite quotes on Thinking, which I’m sharing with you here.

Pin one up to inspire your thinking this week.
The third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority.
The second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority.
The first-class mind is only happy when it is thinking.            –AA Milne

Those who labor with their minds govern others; those who labor with their strength are governed by others. –Meng-Tzu

Whatever failures I have known, whatever errors I have committed, whatever follies I have witnessed in public and private life, have been the consequences of action without thought.    -Bernard Baruch

Thought is action in rehearsal. –Sigmund Freud

Great leaders don’t think outside the box – they bury it. And then they make darn sure none of their followers are tempted to dig it up again.   –Jeff O’Leary

Thinking is one thing no one has ever been able to tax.   –Charles Kettering

The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.   –BF Skinner

Monday, December 13, 2010


I know this may sound like a rhetorical question, but go ahead and answer it anyways: Do You Know How To Think? It’s one of those questions that makes you, well… “Think!”

Recently, I was sitting down with this really sharp, young, male, ministry leader that I have had the privilege of mentoring and coaching for a season.   As we were talking he posed this question:  ”Pastor Angel, will you teach me how to think?”   I had to pause for a minute and before I answered I asked him to explain.
To paraphrase, his response was this: “I’m a feeler and I tend to either make decisions, not make decisions or have my overall actions affected by my feelings.  If I feel good, If I don’t believe I can do something, If I’m fired up about something, If I’m fearful of something… I respond to those situations based on how I feel rather than what I think.”  What I think he was saying is that he wanted some concrete action steps for what he thinks, without them being manipulated by his feelings.

My motto is this: dream BIG. think BIGGER. Thinking is the next step after dreaming and is the action of making your dreams a reality.

Do You Know How To Think? In other-words, Do you know how to take your conceived thoughts and make them a practical reality?   Here are a few quick thoughts on how to operate from a thinking mindset and how to make those thoughts a reality:
  • Give your thoughts some action steps.
  • Give your thoughts some time-lines.
  • Take the time to process your thoughts and minimize your feelings.
  • Recognize that your thoughts can control your feelings “think BIGGER.”
  • Remember you are what you think you are.
French Philosopher Rene Descartes is known for “Cogito ergo sum” or “I think, therefore I am.”  I would modify his thoughts to say this “Because God thinks I am, I am.”  Let your thinking trump your feelings, learn how to think and continually refine the way you think.  dream BIG. think BIGGER.
Do You Know How To Think?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'am Good...Very Good.....!!!!

I was reading through Philippians today and well uhhh “I’m Good!”

I am very happy in the Lord that you have shown your care for me again. You continued to care about me, but there was no way for you to show it.  I am not telling you this because I need anything. I have learned to be satisfied with the things I have and with everything that happens. I know how to live when I am poor, and I know how to live when I have plenty. I have learned the secret of being happy at any time in everything that happens, when I have enough to eat and when I go hungry, when I have more than I need and when I do not have enough. I can do all things through Christ, because he gives me strength. Philippians 4:10-13

When I have plenty, I’m Good; When I’m at the top, I’m Good; When I don’t have much, I’m Good; When I’m hungry and thirsting for something, I’m Good; When I’m at the top of my leadership game, I’m Good; When I’m unsure of what to do, I’m Good; When others don’t understand, I’m Good; When I drum to a different beat, I’m Good; When life is on cruise control, I’m Good; When the mountain seems too tall or life seems like too much, I’m Good…  You know why “I’m Good?” It’s because I have learned the secret to being happy or ”Good” in any time and in everything… I can do all things through Christ, because he gives me strength. 

Transcend The Isms…   ”I’m Good,” Are You?